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A Historic Application



Georgia's Path to the European Union: An Ongoing Journey

A Historic Application

In March 2022, Georgia took a pivotal step towards its integration into the European Union by submitting an application for membership. This bold move marks a new chapter in the country's history and reflects its aspirations to become part of the European family.

A Longstanding Partnership

The relationship between Georgia and the EU has been developing steadily over the past decade. In 2009, the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) was established in Georgia to support stability and conflict resolution efforts. In 2016, the EU and Georgia signed a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), paving the way for increased economic integration.

Candidate Status and Beyond

In December 2023, Georgia was granted candidate status by the EU. This status recognizes the country's progress in implementing political, economic, and judicial reforms. The EU and Georgia continue to cooperate closely in various areas, including security, energy, and infrastructure.

The accession of Georgia to the EU is a complex and ongoing process that will require significant effort and commitment from both sides. However, the country's determination to become a member state is evident, and the EU has expressed its support for Georgia's European aspirations.

As Georgia navigates this historic path, it faces both challenges and opportunities. By working together, the EU and Georgia can build a strong and enduring partnership that benefits both sides and contributes to the stability and prosperity of the region.
